We take product knowledge courses and workshops to continue to learn, stay up on the latest innovations, and improve and polish our skills so we can bring perfection and longevity to your project. We carry workers comp and liability insurance and we are factory trained and certified in various installation systems and methods rendering us qualified to do your project. I am also a CFIU Certified Hard Surface Flooring and Tile Inspector.
I am qualified to test and report on concrete slab conditions and make interpretations. As an ICRI-certified moisture slab technician, (Please know that a C-15 does NOT allow tile installation, a lot of companies only hold a C-15 license and will not tell you they do not have a C-54). I hold a C-15 and a C-54 California State Contractors License for Flooring installation and Tile Installation. I’m here to help you navigate through the ocean waters of tile and flooring. My name is Jason and I have been in this business for just 30 years now.
Sounds like fun right? Haha, well hey I feel ya. You’re probably thinking to yourself, ugh, I have to look for a flooring contractor.